Office Culture: Motivating While Teleworking
With the recent Stay-At-Home orders issued across the United States, many companies have sent workers home to perform their job functions remotely. While this a great option to keep up production, it is essential that extra care is taken to keep employees motivated and engaged while teleworking. It is important to keep in mind that many employees have never teleworked- or teleworked successfully- in their career. It is uncharted territory for not only them, but you as a business owner as well. Be sure to give them extra support, the contact for IT, and check in often if they are missing deadlines, meetings or have slow e-mail response times. They could be overwhelmed with having to change the way their day-to-day job tasks work, and will need a little extra grace and guidance during this time. Another thing to take into consideration, is even the most tech-savvy workers may be struggling. A lot of employees thrive in a co-working space where they can communicate throughout the d...